Nothing like beating a dead "hounddog" with a stick.
The new theory is that Elvis died of too much poop. Not a heart condition like we were all lead to believe. At least that's what his longtime doctor friend Dr. George Nichopolous says.
They found during Elvis' autopsy that his colon was 5-6 inches in diameter. Nearly twice the size of the average persons. It was also 8-9 feet long, while the norm is 4 to 5.
Elvis had a hereditary condition that made it difficult for him to do his thing. Bowel Paralysis is the lovely name given to this particular ailment. Which caused him to be plugged up with at least four of five months of stuff at the time of his death due to poor motility of his bowel.
His friend continued to explain on national news (Fox News) that "He would have accidents on stage" and he'd have to change clothes because of the treatments he was having.
Elvis the great at the time, refused proper treatment, which would have been a colostomy (removing part of the colon).
"He thought he was really a man's man and he wasn't going to let something like this... he thought this was a sign of weakness and he wasn't going to be weak." Nichopolous said. But, if they had treated it he could possibly still be alive today.
So that just goes to show you, even a mans man cant take too much shit.
Personally, I think this was because of too many alien probes.
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